Integrated Check Post (ICP) at Agartala opened on Saturday a week after it was closed following detection of nine BSF and immigration staffs COVID-19 positive.
The immigration, however, will be available only to Bangladeshis who came to India mainly for medical purposes and got stranded amid lockdown restrictions.
“We are under instructions not to allow immigration of travellers from the Bangladesh side”, an official posted at the ICP said.
Six BSF men, two immigration staffers and a doctor were tested positive on June 6. They were suspected to have contracted the infection from passengers who returned home from Bangladesh through Agartala ICP on May 28.
The detections also halted the export-import trade through the ICP. The halt is likely to continue for another week, sources said.
Meanwhile, health staffs have started collecting samples of all BSF personnel, immigration officials, staffs and trade labourers at the Agartala ICP. Samples of around 200 people have been collected for tests.
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